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Biopharma, a key sector in Belgium

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Belgium is renowned for being a significant player in the global pharmaceutical sector, particularly in the field of biopharmaceuticals. With a strong heritage in life sciences and a constant drive for innovation, the country has become a major player in the research, development, production and distribution of biotech medication.

Collaboration for exponential growth

Thanks to the collaboration between universities, research centres, private pharmaceutical companies and public authorities, many start-ups are feeding this booming sector of activity in the three regions of Belgium (Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels). More than 600 companies in the biotechnology sector, grouped together in what is known as the "Health & Biotech Valley", are creating an industrial dynamic focused on innovation. With more than 39,000 direct jobs, EUR 98 billion in exports and EUR 5.3 billion in investments in research and development, the biopharmaceutical and biotechnology industry is growing exponentially in Belgium.

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Belgium, land of vaccines

Belgium has a central place in the vaccine sector at the global level thanks to the presence of highly developed research and pharmaceutical production facilities. The country has notably stood out in the production of vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accentuated the strategic importance of vaccine production in the country, thus stimulating investment in manufacturing and strengthening international partnerships in the vaccination sector.

Vaccine research and development in Belgium focuses on, among other things, adjuvants, immunology, and messenger RNA. The production of vaccines against various diseases, including influenza, COVID-19, and other viral and bacterial infections, is also performed here. At the end of the chain, the sector also ensures the distribution of these products on a global scale.

Biopharma at the service of cancer

One of the key areas in which Belgian biopharma excels is cancer treatments. The country's medical biotechnology companies have made major advances in the development of targeted therapies and immunotherapies. As a result, they offer new treatment options for patients with various types of cancer.

Belgium is one of the most innovative countries in Europe

Belgium is committed to a transition to a sustainable, digital and healthy society, where  biopharma is a strong pillar of the global pharmaceutical industry. This is mainly for production and research into vaccines, cancer and new technologies. Through its partnerships, expertise and government support, Belgium continues to play a key role in discovering new therapies and improving global health and well-being.
